Individual Health Insurance

Service Finance Company - Insurance - Eric Felt Insurance - Individual Health Insurance

Don’t wait until the last minute! With Open Enrollment for Individual Health Insurance starting November 1st, according to insurance expert Eric Felt, now’s the time to explore your options. Felt, with over four decades of experience, highlights two ways to secure coverage: directly from an insurer or through the marketplace. While the marketplace offers potential tax credits to make insurance more affordable, Felt warns that for those who don’t qualify, marketplace plans could be pricier.

Taking charge of your health insurance can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By contacting Eric Felt, you can leverage his expertise to navigate the process smoothly. He can help you understand the intricacies of each option, ensuring you choose the plan that best aligns with your budget and healthcare needs. Don’t miss this crucial opportunity to secure peace of mind and safeguard your health for the coming year. Contact Eric Felt today at [email protected] or visit his website,
